Following the above presentations, the key issues notes were;
- Involve Women in CBT Leadership-Institutionalize gender balance by having women as part and partial of the leadership team, which would empower them to voice their concerns and take part in taking decisions.
- Request for PWDs to access infrastructure-Provision of accessible infrastructure for PWDs at customs offices for ease of movement.
- Report Officials at the Border who harass Traders-Female Traders should report officials who harass and complicate the cross border process.
- Use of Illegal routes-Traders need to use the right designated routes when crossing the border and ay the required tax where applicable.
- Proper identification of Customs– Customs Officers should be properly identified in their official uniform in order to mitigate the challenge of traders being cheated by unidentified customs personnel.
- Provision of required Documents at Customs-Traders should comply with customs and provide the required documents to be processed before crossing any border. Where traders don’t understand, they should seek clarity and information will be generously provided
- Free consultation from customs-Traders should not shy away from seeking any information about customs and the process of crossing the border, and the documents needed when being cleared at the border.
- Prohibited goods-All banned goods such as unaccepted cosmetics, unauthorized drugs will be banned by customs from entry into Uganda, even if they are manufactured in DRC.
- Establishment of a UNBS Office in Goli to be considered by UNBS due to the volume of goods.
- Have road from Nebbi to Goli -Paidha improved.
- Push for Airfield which was earmarked in Nebbi.
- Connection of Nebbi-Goli to the national grid.
- Request for handouts for participants in workshops.
- Additional training on Gender on Cross Border by DRC Delegation.
- Suggestion for public address system during workshop presentations.
- Include translator fees to be included in the Workshop budget.