Component 1: Improving core trade infrastructure and facilities in the border areas
The project finances improvements to core trade infrastructure and facilities at specific land border crossing points. In addition, provides support to ministries responsible for trade and commerce to finance the planning and construction of cross-border markets in the border areas.
The project supports improvements to infrastructure and facilities at priority border posts that were identified based on traffic volumes, importance to supply chains of goods traded most across the borders, relevance to conflict dynamics in the region and the poor state of infrastructure to support cross-border trade. The border posts selected for improvement through the project suffer from similar constraints, namely: • They are old, poorly maintained, and often inadequate to process and control cross-border traffic. IT equipment, when it exists, is insufficient, and systems are organized along institutions and not integrated. • Traders report abuse and ill-treatment by officials, even when they consider that they are following the rules. • Smuggling is rife with numerous instances where officials report spontaneous offers of donations or favors in exchange of turning a blind eye to the traffic. • Small shipments are often broken up into small loads and imported piecemeal by walking across the border line. Once cleared under a simplified taxation scheme, goods are immediately reconsolidated outside the border control area.
The project is addressing these constraints by applying several design principles even though each site has its own specificity, regarding traffic, population, culture, or history. Topography also obviously plays a role. The guiding principles are the following:
Developing integrated facilities. The concept of one stop border posts is widely accepted across the project countries. A common approach will be promoted where initially, different agencies of the same country, and eventually officials from different countries are housed in the same facility.
Phasing of development. A modular approach to development will be adopted, where feasible. Although it is difficult to predict future developments, a border facility must be flexible enough to evolve over time, taking into account new conditions.
Providing for channeling of traffic. Under current operations, there is an unending flow of pedestrians, trishaws and motor bikes, without much control. The basic principle of border
operations is to separate different categories of traffic. The project will finance the provision of lanes to protect users, including fencing-off to a sufficient height, to enhance control. The lanes will provide for single-direction flow.
Kasindi – Mpondwe
The project is financing the renovation of the entire Kasindi-Mpondwe border post, in phases as follows:
• Rehabilitation of the parking area and installation of an unloading bay and Customs storage areas.
• Installation of two one-way and fenced-off pedestrian lanes, between the bridge and the border control facilities. This will prevent access to the inhabited area close to the border, for which an alternative access road should be planned.
• Replacing the narrow bridge between the two countries. Two pedestrian lanes will be considered alongside the bridge.
• New road design and construction to provide for one-way traffic flows (and thus resolve the turning radius and crossing issues).
• Complement and to the extent that it is feasible, adapt the existing structure to introduce pedestrian control booths on its external sides.
• New border infrastructure, facilities and systems at Mpondwe, the Uganda side of the border.
Bunagana - Bunagana
The project will finance interventions at the following border posts:
DRC: building new facilities and systems at Petite Barrière (Goma) and Ruzizi I (Bukavu); and improving Bunagana and Kasindi. At the latter two border posts the project will finance measures to improve security, the flow of traffic and to install surveillance and other systems for the border agencies. Rwanda: limited improvements at Rusizi I border post. Subsequent to and based on the designs to be produced under Sub-component 1.4 below, the project will finance at Rusizi I limited works to improve traffic flow and handling, to complement the proposed interventions on the DRC side of the border. The works will be limited to those consistent with the broader design of the border post financed under Sub-component 1.4 of the project; and
Uganda: building new facilities and systems at Mpondwe and improvements as above at Bunagana
Component 2: Implementation of Policy and Procedural Reforms and Capacity Building to Facilitate Cross-Border Trade in Goods and Services
The project includes policy and procedural reforms to improve the efficiency, capacity, and security of border operations at the border crossings. As a result, new border facilities will be designed to accommodate, possibly in a phased manner, procedural changes and inter-agency (and subsequently, cross-border) integration.
The reforms are essential to make border crossing procedures more transparent and predictable. This is of particular importance to small-scale traders, and especially women, who are typically more vulnerable given the asymmetry in power between the official and trader and the current lack of a functioning mechanism for addressing complaints and resolving disputes for small-scale traders. In addition, the reforms would contribute to increasing safety and reducing the scope for harassment at the border, especially for women, to reducing time to cross the border and to allowing improved control and revenue generation at key border crossings