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  5. Review of the Non-tariff barriers identified in the two countries

Review of the Non-tariff barriers identified in the two countries

The meeting reviewed the various non-tariff barriers that exist in the two countries.

It was reported that the non-tariff barriers faced by Ugandan traders in DRC include:

  1. Multiplicity of services working on the DRC’s borders;
  2. Multiplicity of taxes imposed at borders;
  3. Harassment suffered by small traders on Congolese territory;
  4. High cost of the visa in the DRC;
  5. Poor state of some road network in the DRC close to the border;
  6. Charging of taxes on manufactured or processed products that are on the STR Common list

It was reported that the non-tariff barriers faced by DRC traders in Uganda particularly at GOLI, BUNAGANA and MPONDWE border posts include:

  1. Taxation of agriculture products which are on the STR common list on grounds that that the Ugandan system is not yet configured to accommodate the STR;
  • 2. Harassment and repeated arrests of some traders in Uganda ;
  • 3. High cost (about USD $3) of the temporary travel document to small cross-border traders;
  • 4. Demand by some police officers to pay before exporting the products to the DRC